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Sagua Mañagu Checklist

All the steps you need to take to be cleared to deliver at the Birthing Center. 

Straw Bag

 To Do Checklist:

Established Prenatal Care at MPG

Select Pediatrician (Get form signed if needed)

Complete Orientation and Post-test

In-person or online (watch video below)

Sign Sagua Mañagu Consent Forms

Medically Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

Financially Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

At least 37 weeks Gestational Age

Online Orientation 

Watch video below and submit Post-test to complete Orientation. 

Take Post-Test

After viewing the online orientation video, take post-test below to complete Orientation. 

*Password protected for MPG Patients and can be found on Orientation Card. Request password by calling 671-647-1830 or at your next appointment. 

Sagua Mañagu Checklist

All the steps you need to take to be cleared to deliver at the Birthing Center. 

Straw Bag

 To Do Checklist:

Established Prenatal Care at MPG

Select Pediatrician (Get form signed if needed)

Complete Orientation and Post-test

In-person or online (watch video below)

Sign Sagua Mañagu Consent Forms

Medically Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

Financially Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

At least 37 weeks Gestational Age

Sagua Mañagu Checklist

All the steps you need to complete to deliver at the Birthing Center. 

Straw Bag

 To Do Checklist:

Established Prenatal Care at MPG

Select Pediatrician (Get form signed)

Complete Orientation and Post-test

In-person or online (watch video below)

Sign Sagua Mañagu Consent Forms

Medically Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

Financially Approved > Sagua Staff will inform you

At least 37 weeks Gestational Age

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